IMG Financial

Protecting Your Family

Insurance Advisor in Calgary

Protecting your loved ones isn’t just about responding to immediate threats—it’s also about planning for the future. At IMG Financial, we understand that thinking ahead, especially about scenarios we’d rather avoid, can be challenging. But the truth is, preparedness is key when the unexpected unfolds.

As your Insurance Advisor in Calgary, we want to guide you through the “what if” scenarios. What if you face a debilitating injury? What if a car accident leaves you or a loved one injured, or worse? What if a family member is diagnosed with a serious illness? These are undoubtedly distressing events, and we get it—no one wants to dwell on them. However, considering these possibilities now is far easier than grappling with them in the midst of a crisis.

Adopting a mindset of risk management is a personal choice—one that requires initiative and a sense of responsibility. It’s about taking control of your financial future and ensuring that you’re equipped to handle life’s uncertainties.

Health and dental insurance are powerful tools in managing risk. If you’ve never faced a serious health incident or a root canal, you might not realize how quickly medical bills can escalate. Don’t let unexpected healthcare costs compound the physical discomfort; be proactive and secure your well-being with comprehensive coverage.

Another often overlooked aspect of risk management is travel insurance. While visiting family in a foreign country may seem routine, the financial implications of unexpected hospitalization abroad can be staggering. Travel insurance provides the peace of mind to explore freely, knowing that you’re protected against unforeseen medical expenses.

At IMG Financial, we’re here to help you navigate the complexities of risk management. Your peace of mind is our priority, and we’re committed to assisting you in making informed decisions for a secure financial future. Because when it comes to protecting your family, planning today ensures a safer tomorrow.

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Welcome to Term Life Insurance—basic, no-frills coverage without the cash value complexity. Ideal for a specified ‘term,’ it often shines as “Mortgage Insurance,” safeguarding mortgages in case of untimely death.

Let’s debunk Mortgage Insurance myths. Many Canadians are in the dark about what they’re signing up for, as revealed by CBC Marketplace’s “In Denial” on February 6, 2008. Watch the video to uncover the truth and learn how an independent insurance broker can guide your mortgage protection journey.

Term life, like an ice cream parlor, offers various flavors—different terms, conditions, and guarantees. Research and professional advice ensure you pick a policy tailored to your needs.

Acquiring term life is diverse. Your workplace or affinity groups may offer it. While available from many sources, an individual policy provides primo features and flexibility at a tempting price.

Need a Term Life crash course? Contact us for protection without hidden surprises.


Crafting an appealing employee benefit plan is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent, whether your company is small or a sprawling organization. Offering health benefits is a pivotal element in how your employees assess your compensation package and envision their future with the company.

Implementing a Group Benefits Plan brings a host of advantages:

1. Financial Protection: Your employees and their families gain a shield against unexpected healthcare and dental expenses.

2. Tax Benefits: Employees enjoy tax-free health coverage, a perk compared to using after-tax dollars for medical expenses. Meanwhile, employers receive tax deductions for all Group Benefits Plan costs.

3. **Fixed Cost and Easy Administration:** Employers benefit from providing consistent employee benefits at a fixed cost, with the added ease of automatic administration by the insurance company.

4. Alternative Compensation: A group benefits program serves as a non-taxable alternative to salary increases, offering an additional form of compensation to valuable employees.

A range of Employee Benefits is accessible through a Group Benefits Plan, including life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment coverage, prescription drug coverage, paramedical coverage (for chiropractors, therapists, etc.), group pension plans, group RRSP plans, short-term and long-term disability, extended healthcare/vision care, dental coverage, out-of-country emergency medical (travel), and critical illness insurance.

For full details and to explore how a Group Benefits Plan can enhance your company’s offerings, reach out to our office today. Your team’s well-being is our priority.


Permanent Life Insurance offers a comprehensive solution, combining insurance and savings within a tax-advantaged framework.

This type of insurance provides flexibility, allowing you to adjust your coverage, deposits, and investment choices to align with evolving needs, conditions, or circumstances.

There are two primary types of Permanent Life Insurance: Whole Life and Universal Life.

Whole Life integrates insurance protection and savings, with the insurance company managing the savings component. It’s a hands-off approach that simplifies the process.

In contrast, Universal Life is unbundled. Deposits are applied to the policy monthly or annually, with the insurance company deducting administrative costs. The remaining balance is directed to a savings account, offering a range of investment options that you can actively manage.

The savings component of a Permanent insurance plan can build substantial cash values, accessible through surrender, policy loans, or leveraging. Excess deposits and cash values accumulate on a tax-deferred basis, provided they stay within prescribed limits under the income tax act.

For a deeper dive into the benefits and nuances of Permanent Life Insurance, feel free to reach out to our office. We’re here to provide the information you need to make informed decisions about securing your financial future.


Guaranteed Investment Funds, also known as “Segregated Funds” or “Individual Variable Insurance Contracts,” are essentially souped-up Mutual Funds with an added layer of protection courtesy of an insurance company.

Here’s the deal—they come with a guarantee.

Upon maturity of premium deposits or the unfortunate event of the plan holder’s passing, at least 75%, and sometimes up to 100%, of the initial investment is guaranteed. This assurance holds regardless of the market value of the funds at that point.

Think of Segregated Funds as a deferred annuity contract between you and the insurance company. You make deposits, and they invest the money in these funds. The segregated nature of these funds acts like a safety net, shielding you from the insolvency of the insurance company.

These funds consist of underlying assets purchased through life insurance companies, their value fluctuating with the market. There are guarantees in place, but they come with a timeframe. Exiting before the end date might result in penalties.

The beauty of Segregated Funds lies in the balance—they offer the potential for growth while providing the comfort of a guarantee.

Typically, life insurance companies join forces with mutual fund or money management companies to offer these funds. The setup ensures that the investment side is managed by the money experts, while the insurance company handles contracts and guarantees.

Deposits are insured by the underwriting insurance company and/or Assuris. In case of an insurance company failure, Assuris steps in, guaranteeing you’ll retain at least 85% of the promised insurance benefits. This includes Death, Health Expense, Monthly Income, and Cash Value. For deposit-type products, you’re covered up to 100% of your Accumulated Value up to $100,000.

Curious if Segregated Funds are the right move for your portfolio? Drop us a line, and let’s chat about it.


Disability Insurance serves as a financial safety net when life takes an unexpected turn, challenging your health and well-being.

Picture this: You’re in good health, cruising through life, and suddenly, a curveball hits. Injuries or a debilitating illness can disrupt not just your life but also your family’s well-being and financial stability. It’s a reality check that insurance can’t prevent such events but can certainly help you navigate through them.

So, why is Disability Insurance a crucial component of your financial plan?

Simple—because it provides income when a disability puts a halt to your ability to work. With this protection in place, your family has the financial means to cover bills and maintain stability during challenging times.

Consider it akin to insuring a valuable piece of equipment that consistently contributes to your earnings. If that equipment breaks down, you’d want to ensure you’re covered. In the same vein, if your family relies on your consistent income, doesn’t it make sense to have disability insurance in case you’re unable to work?

However, not all disability insurance policies are created equal. It’s essential to seek professional advice to tailor a policy that aligns with your unique situation and needs.

Navigating the intricacies of disability insurance can be complex, but we’re here to guide you. If you have questions or need more information about disability insurance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office. Your financial security and peace of mind matter to us.


Insured Annuities: A Smart Investment Move

Annuities, the unsung heroes of investment vehicles, offer a straightforward path to secure income. Think of them as a reverse mortgage—you transfer a lump sum to an insurance company, and in return, they provide regular payments, be it monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, for the rest of your life.

Now, let’s dive into the perks:

**1. Tax Efficiency:**
Non-Registered Annuities aren’t just about income; they’re savvy tax reducers. The payments consist of a tax-free return of principal and a prescribed interest portion, resulting in a reduced taxable income. This tax strategy becomes especially valuable when dealing with annuity types that cease payments at death.

**2. Capital Preservation:**
Concerned about leaving a financial legacy for your heirs? Life insurance can fill that gap, replacing the capital that may not be passed on with annuities. Despite the added cost of life insurance premiums, this strategy can boost your after-tax income, ensure a lifetime income stream, and safeguard capital for your loved ones.

**3. Escape the GIC Roll-Over Rut:**
Still rolling over 1-year GICs, year after year, hoping for interest rates to rise? Consider how much annual income you could be missing out on. Insured annuities offer a way out of the re-investment risk dilemma.

**4. Guaranteed Income and Security:**
Annuity income is 100% guaranteed up to $2,000 per month, insured by Assuris, equivalent to the bank’s CDIC coverage. Regardless of how long the annuitant lives, payments are secure for a lifetime. Plus, you can structure annuities with a minimum guarantee payment period to recoup some or all of the principal.

**5. Creditor Protection:**
Investments with insurance companies can be shielded from creditors, provided they’re made before any financial issues arise. If you were solvent at the time of establishing the plan, your funds remain protected.

**6. Streamlined Estate Process:**
At death, named beneficiaries receive funds directly without getting entangled in probate, legal, or administration costs. This quick and efficient process bypasses the delays associated with traditional bank-held GICs.

**7. Pension Tax Credit:**
If you’re 65 or older and lack other qualifying income vehicles, annuities qualify for the pension tax credit, rendering the first $2,000 of income tax-free.

In a world of complex investments, insured annuities stand out for their simplicity, reliability, and strategic advantages. If you’re contemplating whether they fit your financial puzzle, get in touch with our office. We’re here to guide you toward a secure and prosperous financial future.


Long-Term Care Insurance: Your Shield for the Unforeseen

We insure our health, homes, cars, and valuables, but long-term care often slips through the insurance cracks. It’s a vital safety net that, when overlooked, can lead to financial strain and deplete a lifetime of savings within a few years.

**Who Needs Long-Term Care?**
While commonly associated with the elderly, long-term care is crucial for anyone facing a debilitating illness or injury, requiring assistance with everyday functions like bathing, dressing, and feeding.

**Why Invest in Long-Term Care Insurance?**
Long-term care can be unexpectedly expensive, with nursing home costs exceeding $40,000 per year. This insurance provides a lifeline, offering financial stability when health takes an unexpected turn. The catch? Purchase it before you need it. Many recommend ages 50 to 65 as the sweet spot for buying, ensuring a balance between potential benefits and affordability.

**Cost Considerations:**
Factors like policy type, age, and coverage duration determine the cost. Policies vary—from comprehensive to basic, covering in-home care, nursing homes, or professional facilities. Early purchases and thoughtful consideration of the preferred service location impact premiums.

**Features to Look For:**
When diving into long-term care insurance, attention to policy details is crucial:

– **Inflation Protection:** Does the policy account for inflation to increase benefit amounts?
– **Deductible:** What is the policy’s deductible definition, and how does it affect coverage?
– **Coverage:** Understand the extent of expenses covered per day and choose coverage aligned with your needs.
– **Period of Coverage:** Some plans limit coverage duration, requiring additional premiums for extended coverage.

**Benefits of Long-Term Care Insurance:**
Without insurance, care costs may drain personal savings or burden family members. Insurance ensures that potential care expenses are covered, lessening the financial strain on you and your loved ones. Early purchase brings lower premiums and peace of mind.

While not for everyone, long-term care insurance is a lifeline for those with a family history of covered illnesses. Purchasing at a younger age is often more cost-effective. Note that coverage may be denied if the need for long-term care is imminent, so it’s wise to plan ahead.

Before selecting a policy, seek professional advice, compare rates, and assess benefits. Long-term care insurance is a crucial puzzle piece in securing your financial future. Reach out to our office for more information, ensuring you make the best choice for your unique situation.


Travel Insurance: A Vital Shield for Canadian Explorers

Embarking on a journey is an exhilarating experience, but it comes with responsibilities, one of the most crucial being purchasing travel insurance. Despite the simplicity of this decision, a concerning number of Canadians travel without proper coverage, leading to unforeseen medical expenses that can even force families into financial turmoil.

**Canadian Travel Landscape:**
In 2009, Canadians made almost 40 million trips to the US, and shockingly, in 2012, 6 in 10 travelers neglected to secure travel insurance when leaving the country. This reluctance is perplexing, especially when Canadians routinely insure their vehicles, homes, and lives against various risks.

**Why Invest in Travel Insurance?**
The decision to buy travel insurance isn’t just about protecting against worst-case scenarios; it’s a practical step to ensure financial stability. Here’s why it’s an investment worth making:

1. **Provincial Coverage Limitations:** Provincial healthcare covers minimal out-of-country expenses, and settling claims can take months or years.
2. **Accidents Are Unpredictable:** Accidents don’t discriminate based on age or location. Even a simple mishap, like a broken leg, can rack up over $20,000 in foreign medical expenses.
3. **Access to Medical Facilities:** Some countries may refuse medical treatment without proper insurance coverage.

**Understanding Travel Insurance Providers:**
Various entities offer travel insurance, including travel agents, insurance brokers, and credit card companies. However, understanding the policy’s terms, conditions, and exclusions is crucial. Ask key questions:

1. **Continuous Coverage:** Does the policy offer continuous coverage, and is it renewable if your stay extends unexpectedly?
2. **Emergency Contact:** Does the underwriter provide a 24-hour emergency contact number in English or French?
3. **Expense Handling:** Do you pay all expenses upfront and claim later, or does the insurer pay the institution directly?

**A Cautionary Tale:**
The Government of Canada’s website recounts a poignant incident where insurance lapsed three weeks before an accident. The family had to raise $300,000 in three days to cover medical costs and evacuation, leaving them with a significant debt.

**Types of Travel Insurance Plans:**
Tailor your coverage to your needs with single or multi-trip policies, annual premiums, and additional coverage for trip cancellation, lost luggage, and travel accidents.

Travel insurance is not just a precaution; it’s peace of mind for you and your family. Don’t let your journey be marred by unexpected financial burdens. Safeguard your adventure with comprehensive travel coverage—it’s a decision you won’t regret.


Guarding Your Future: The Importance of Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illnesses can strike anyone, and unfortunately, they often do. In fact, Canadians are statistically more likely to face a critical illness than to pass away before the age of 75. For many, the diagnosis is not just a medical challenge but also a financial one.

**Why Critical Illness Insurance Matters:**
When faced with a critical illness, the focus should be on recovery and regaining health, not financial stress. Critical illness insurance steps in to alleviate this burden by providing a lump sum benefit upon the diagnosis of covered illnesses. This benefit isn’t just a payout; it’s a lifeline that empowers you to make choices and recover on your terms.

**Key Benefits of Critical Illness Insurance:**
1. **Financial Flexibility:** The benefit can help you avoid dipping into your savings, RRSP, or other investments.
2. **Debt Repayment:** Clearing debts like mortgages or loans becomes feasible, providing peace of mind during recovery.
3. **Access to Uncovered Treatments:** Critical illness insurance allows you to choose medicines and treatments not covered by other plans.
4. **Income Replacement:** If illness prevents you from working, the benefit replaces lost income, giving you the freedom to focus on recovery.
5. **Business Continuity:** For business owners, critical illness insurance can sustain the business by hiring someone to manage it until your return.

**The Dr. Marius Barnard Legacy:**
The importance of critical illness insurance is underscored by Dr. Marius Barnard, its creator. His dedication to easing the financial strain caused by critical illnesses is a testament to the positive impact of this insurance.

**Not All Policies Are Equal:**
Choosing the right critical illness insurance policy is crucial. Policies can vary significantly, and seeking professional advice is essential to ensure you select the best one for your unique situation.

**Take Control of Your Future:**
Secure your financial well-being during challenging times. Contact our office for comprehensive information about Critical Illness Insurance. Your peace of mind is worth the investment.


Affordable Health and Dental Insurance for Your Peace of Mind

Access to health and dental benefits is crucial for individuals and families, as not all medical expenses are covered by provincial health plans. While Canada is a global leader in providing healthcare benefits, there are still gaps that can lead to substantial out-of-pocket expenses. In provinces like British Columbia, essential items such as prescription eyeglasses, wheelchairs, and hearing aids may not be covered by the health insurance plan, Pharmacare. For those without employer-funded benefits, these costs can accumulate rapidly.

In Ontario, a significant portion of employees lacks employer-funded benefits, especially in low-income jobs. According to a study by the Wellesley Institute, individuals in precarious or low-wage jobs often don’t have access to employer-provided health plans and may be ineligible for government-funded benefits. The absence of access to essential services can have profound health impacts.

The good news is that affordable health and dental coverage is readily available for various situations, including retirement, unemployment, self-employment, or the need to supplement existing coverage. Insurers are typically flexible, tailoring coverage to individual needs. Core benefits often include coverage for:

1. Prescription drugs
2. Dental care
3. Extended health benefits, encompassing occupational and physical therapists, hearing aids, home care, and other healthcare services
4. Vision care
5. Life insurance, along with short and long-term disability coverage

If you already have a benefit plan, approval for extended health care benefits is typically automatic. In some cases, a medical questionnaire may be required before approval.

Extended health and dental benefits are designed to suit various budgets, offering families substantial coverage at a fraction of their monthly expenses. With regular dental visits and unforeseen illnesses in mind, even those with limited income can experience significant annual savings with extended health and dental coverage. Secure your peace of mind by exploring the affordable health and dental insurance options available to you and your family.